Plight of adorable girl, 5, who becomes paralyzed at random due to rare genetic disorder

athryn Marszalek could be outside playing with friends, and suddenly she will freeze up.
The five-year-old, from Indianapolis, Indiana, becomes paralyzed at random – unable to move for several minutes. But within moments she will be playing again as if nothing had happened.
This is because Kathryn suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (AHC), a neurological condition characterized by recurrent episodes of temporary paralysis.

She is one of just 200 in the United States to have been diagnosed.
Now her parents, Josh and Laura, are working to identify more families with the condition and to raise money for a drug that could restore Kathryn’s gene function.

The Marszaleks first realized something was wrong with Kathryn when she was just six weeks old. She had a small episode with the stiffening of her arm, repeated by even stronger episodes at five and seven months old.
Her parents took her to the hospital where underwent a 24-hour EEG, during which she had an episode where she became paralyzed.
Kathryn was then transferred to Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis and, according to her father Josh, sat up in bed three days later like nothing had happened.

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