This video is based on an individual called Chris Gallagher, who has a rare medical condition called (CAPOS), which Involves the symptoms of Cerebellar Ataxia, Areflexia, Pes Cavus, Optic Atrophy, and Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
The video was made in 2011 by three first year students at Edge Hill University Ormskirk, in an attempt to encourage other disabled people to go to university and give people a better understanding in Chris’s rare condition. It focuses mostly on how Chris copes at university.
Chris now has a better knowledge about his condition, which means that some of the information in the video is not up to date. If for any reason you are interested in learning more about Chris’s disability please email him on and he is happy to discuss and share anything.
Chris is currently working on some other creative projects that represent his disability and to raise awareness of other rare disabilities. So if you have a disability or know someone with one that Chris may be able to work with please inform him.
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